8MWp Ground Mounted System successfully conduct installation in Italy

The solar mounted system with a capacity of 8MW, supplied by PRO.ENERGY, has successfully conduct installation in Italy.


This project is located in Ancona, Italy and follows the classic West-east structure that PRO.ENERGY has supplied in Europe before. This double-sided configuration keeps the wind out of structure then enhance the performance against wind pressure itself, meanwhile ensure solar modules to expose sunshine as long as possible.


Considering the high labor costs in Europe, our engineer simplified the structure by utilizing single-pile assembly with bolts, eliminating the need for additional accessories. In terms of materials, PRO.ENERGY proposed SOZAMC, which is similar to Megnelis but has a higher aluminum content, ensuring a longer practical life.


Our professional service has been highly praised by the customer, they also intend to utilize this solar mounted structure for an additional 1.5MW project in Trissino, Italy.

Post time: Oct-31-2023

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